Buying in June could save you thousands!

Buying in June could save you thousands!

Who do you know that is looking to purchase a property or condo? The market has changed in the last 60 days and according to research from RBC (see charts below!) it has now turned to a buyers market.  People always ask us to let them know when the market is changing and when is the best time to buy.

Well NOW is the time.We have seen a massive increase in inventory and properties are sitting on the market longer now than they have since the US financial crash of 2008. Which gives buyers more choice and more power… Isn’t that what you have been waiting for?!

The typical real estate market cycle is seven years, we have had a virtually uninterrupted 28 years with steady price increases, with only two possible 90-150 day periods where you could buy anything that even remotely resembled a buyers market. The first, as we mentioned, was in 2008, and the second is RIGHT NOW.

We have a list of “have to sell” sellers, plus a secret list of exclusive opportunities available only through our team, and can show you homes that are currently on the market that could be phenomenal buy opportunities. You NEED to book a strategy session asap because as you can see from CHART 1. after a dip in the market, it tends to recover and jump up at a quick rate afterwards. CHART 2 shows the dip in Dec 2016 was followed by a boom in February 2017. If you are in the market for an investment property or a primary one, don’t let this opportunity pass you by!


Chart 1. – Click image for larger size

Chart 2. – Click image for larger size